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How to Create keyboard shortcuts to open applications

You can create keyboard shortcuts to open programs or applications, which can often be simpler than opening programs using your mouse or other pointing device. Just directly press the keys assigned.... and the application will open.

To assign shortcuts to programs/applications.. Follow the process...
  1. Right click on the shortcut to the program for which you want to create a keyboard shortcut and then click Properties.
  2. In the  Shortcut tab, click in the Shortcut key text box. The Shortcut key box will display None until you select the key.
  3. Now Press the key on your keyboard that you want to use in combination with CTRL+ALT (keyboard shortcuts automatically start with CTRL+ALT), and then click OK
    You can now use this keyboard shortcut to open the program when you're using the desktop. The shortcut will also work while using some programs, though it might not work with some programs that have their own keyboard shortcuts.
  4. Notes
  1. You cannot use the ESC, ENTER, TAB, SPACEBAR, PRINT SCREEN, SHIFT, or BACKSPACE keys to create a keyboard shortcut.
  2. Before completing these steps, always verify that if combinations of keys you want to assign has assigned before to any other program.

Sagunesh is a founder of this website Tech Tricks and Tips if you have any queries or problem then you can comment in the comment box below and i will resolve it 

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