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First image identification search engine

Sometimes when we see any pic, we need to know who is there in this pic? from where this pic come from ? etc.etc.

Tinyeye is the first Image identification search engine, which search for identical pics. The best thing about tinyeye is it does not find typically similar images, but it finds exact matches including those that have been cropped, edited or resized. That means it can recognize the image after editing or cropping also :) Tiny eye is really a magic!!

What you can do using tinyeye:

1. If someone ask you to recognize any famous personality in any pic... then you can answer quickly, and can show ur intelligence ;)
I do it many times when someone on Facebook asks the same ;) ( shhh...its a secret, dont tell to anyone else ;))

2. If someone show you any Pic/ painting and say that he/she is the creator... then you can find the truth behind that pic easily :)
If you find 0 results in search, then you can consider that your frnd was not lying to you :P
I generally check for many profile pics on facebook when any of my frnd got comments like... wow nice creation... you are really a gr8 artist...lolz.... but tinyeye tells all secrets behind that DP to me... :P

3. Or Simply, if you wanna know that from where any pic come? and wanna read the story behind any famous pic, then you can just search web pages related to that pic.

4. You can use it to search a similar high resolution pic of any picture.

How to use tinyeye:
There are mainly 2 ways 2 use tinyeye...
  1. You can directly go to and can upload the pic or can search matching pics just by giving image link there.
  2. Or, there is a very simple way, You can download Addons for your web browser and can get search option directly by right clicking on any pic.

TinEye adds tens of millions of new images to its database every week. You can also help them by uploading your pics in their database.

Add your image collection to TinEye

Sagunesh is a founder of this website Tech Tricks and Tips if you have any queries or problem then you can comment in the comment box below and i will resolve it 

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